Surrogate Requirements

If you're thinking about becoming a surrogate, it's essential to know the requirements and process.

If you're interested in becoming a surrogate, read on for details, take our quiz or chat with a surrogate to determine if surrogacy is right for you.



Meet The Basic Requirements

There is a stringent set of medical, psychological, financial and social criteria that a woman must meet to be considered as a surrogate. These requirements reflect the guidelines the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) has set in place. This ensures the safest and healthiest possible pregnancy and surrogacy journey. The requirements include:

Lifestyle Requirements

  • Pass comprehensive criminal background, psychological and medical screenings.

  • Not be heavily reliant upon government assistance.

  • Not be active duty military, reservist, National Guard, etc.

  • Be a U.S. citizen between the ages of 21-40 years of age.

  • Please have a valid U.S. driver's license and reliable transportation.

  • Have the full support of her spouse/partner/support network.

  • Not use drugs, smoke cigarettes, or abuse alcohol (the same applies to anyone in your household).

  • Be mature, responsible, honest, and willing to commit to screening, IVF, and surrogacy.

Physical Requirements:

  • Complete vaccination against COVID-19 is highly preferred and required by most fertility clinics.

  • Be willing to have IUD removed and complete IVF medication cycles.

  • Have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of no higher than 35.

  • Have given birth to at least one child of her own, with an uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery history.